フレーズ: Almost The Same
意味: ほぼ同じだ
A: Should I use the black pen or the blue pen?
B: It does’t matter, they’re almost the same.
A: I’m thinking about saving money to buy a Galaxy S8.
Galaxy S8を買うために貯金しようと思う。
B: Don’t bother, it’s almost the same as the Galaxy S7.
しなくてもいいと思う、Galaxy S7とほぼ一緒だよ。
Wow. I’m doing almost the same thing I was doing this time last year. Teaching English on the internet.
Bill is an entrepreneur, English teacher, and blockchain technology advocate. Originally from the USA, he moved to Shiga Prefecture, Japan in 2007 where he owned and operated an English school for over 12 years. He currently lives in Thailand.
For private English lessons, contact him at bill@nonstopenglish.net