When I was a kid, I did a lot of crazy things. I climbed up trees. I fell out of trees. One time I got stuck in a tree. I caught snakes with my bare hands. When I was eight I even shot the tip of my own finger with a BB gun, just to see what it felt like (My advice – Don’t!) Thank God the Internet and YouTube weren’t around then to show the world how stupid I could be.
僕は子供の時バカなこといっぱいできた。木に登った。木から落ちた。一度木に動けなくなったこともある。素手で蛇を捕らえた。8歳の時にどんな感じかを感じてみたくて自分の指先をビービー銃で撃ったこともある。(僕のアドバイス – しないで!)僕がどのぐらいバカなことができるかを世界中の皆さんに見せるインターネットやユーチューブがその時代にはなくてよかったな。
In Japanese, “baka” can be translated as “crazy” or “stupid.” In English, “crazy” and “stupid” are not always the same, but there is some overlap between them. In this article, I’ll try to show you how to use crazy and its variations with cool, natural examples written in conversational English. I’ll save stupid for another article.
Crazy has some different meanings depending on the situation. It can mean someone is funny and makes you laugh, like a friend of mine who likes to walk like a penguin whenever he’s out in public.
Crazyは場合によっていくつかの意味がある。いつでも公共の場でペンギンみたいに歩く僕の友達の一人みたいな人が面白くて笑わせてくれる という意味もある。
Crazy can mean someone is really confident and not afraid to do what they want, even if it’s dangerous. Stuntmen come to mind. Or the guys who do the crocodile shows in Thailand.
誰かがすごく自信があってしたいことが危ないでも怖がらないでする という意味もある。スタントマンが頭に浮かぶ。それかタイでワニショーをやってる人。
Crazy can also mean someone doesn’t care about the consequences of what they do or say, even if it’s dangerous to other people. Some people drive crazy. Some get crazy when they’re drunk and yell at people or get in fights.
Crazy can also mean someone has a mental illness. In that case it’s probably best to use a nicer word, like the specific disease that they have.
Situations and events can also be crazy. If you go to a party and everyone gets drunk and start jumping into the pool with their clothes on (or off), it might be a crazy party. If work is really busy and hectic, you could say you had a crazy day at work.
状況や出来事がcrazytとも言える。パーティに行って皆さんが酔っ払って裸で(それか服を着て)プールに飛び込んだらそれはa crazy partyかも。仕事がめっちゃ忙しくて慌ただしいなら、仕事でのcrazy dayがあったとも言える。
Here are some examples of how to use crazy and its variations. They are pretty much interchangeable.
バカの言い方 #1 -「Crazy」
A: How was that party?
B: Dude, it was totally crazy. There were like 200 people at the house. And there were a bunch of dudes dressed in women’s underwear running around squirting people with squirt guns. I woke up in the pool.
A: My computer is acting crazy. Every time I click a link I get a bunch of pop-ups, music starts playing for no reason, and I can’t shut it down.
A: Did you get your visa yet?
B: No not yet. I’ve got to do all this paperwork n’ stuff. It’s crazy.
まだ。 書類とかいっぱいある。大変だよ。
バカの言い方 #2 – Nuts
A: Have you heard of this guy, Wim Hoff, who does the meditation in ice and stuff?
B: Yeah, man. That guy’s nuts. I read that he climbed Mt. Everest in just shorts.
バカの言い方 #3 – Insane
A: Wow, this game is insane.
B: I know, right? I can’t even get past the first level.
そうやな。 レベル1もクリアでけへん。
バカの言い方 #4 – Out of Your Mind
A: I think I’m gonna run out into that tornado and take a selfie.
B: Are you out of your mind? That thing will rip you apart!
A: I think I’m gonna take a nap.
B: Are you out of your mind? We have to finish this project by tomorrow.
バカの言い方 #5 – Not Playing with a Full Deck
A: Look at that guy! He’s in the aquarium tank swimming with the sharks!
B: Yeah, he’s not playing with a full deck, is he?
バカの言い方 #6 – Gone Off The Deep End
A: Mom’s decorating her whole house with pictures of Justin Bieber.
B: Really? I think she’s finally gone off the deep end.
本当? やっと気が狂っちゃったと思う。
バカの言い方 #7 – Bananas
A: I can’t believe he’s quitting his job to go sail around the world.
B: I know. That’s just bananas. He must have a lot of money saved up.
そうだね。それは本当にバカ だよね。貯金いっぱいあるはずだ。
Other Ways to Say Crazy
There are other ways to say crazy, like “certifiable,” “psycho,” and “loco.” But I’ll save those for another time. For now, try to use some of the examples from this article the next time you speak English.
Bill is an entrepreneur, English teacher, and blockchain technology advocate. Originally from the USA, he moved to Shiga Prefecture, Japan in 2007 where he owned and operated an English school for over 12 years. He currently lives in Thailand.
For private English lessons, contact him at bill@nonstopenglish.net